Empowering Agricultural Entrepreneurship: A Comprehensive Guide to the AGRI CLINIC AND AGRIBUSINESS CENTRES SCHEME (ACABC Scheme)


  • In a world where sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurial initiatives are becoming increasingly vital, the AGRI CLINIC AND AGRIBUSINESS CENTRES SCHEME (ACABC Scheme) emerges as a beacon of hope. Developed to foster agricultural entrepreneurship, this scheme plays a pivotal role in empowering individuals to become catalysts for change in the agricultural sector. By providing knowledge, training, and financial support, the ACABC Scheme aims to transform traditional farming practices into thriving agribusiness ventures. This article delves into the intricacies of the scheme, elucidating its objectives, eligibility criteria, and additional information, while highlighting its significant role in promoting agricultural entrepreneurship.

The Main Objectives of the Scheme:

At its core, the ACABC Scheme is designed to address several key objectives:

  • Promoting Entrepreneurship: By offering comprehensive training and technical know-how, the scheme aims to encourage individuals to venture into agribusiness and establish their enterprises.
  • Enhancing Agricultural Productivity: Through the dissemination of modern farming techniques, the scheme endeavors to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency, thereby ensuring food security and sustainable livelihoods.
  • Facilitating Employment Generation: By fostering the establishment of agribusiness enterprises, the scheme contributes to job creation in rural areas, thereby reducing unemployment and poverty.
  • Encouraging Value Addition: The scheme emphasizes the importance of value addition in agriculture by promoting activities such as processing, packaging, and marketing of agricultural produce, thus enabling farmers to fetch higher prices for their products.
  • Strengthening Rural Economy: By promoting entrepreneurship and value addition in agriculture, the scheme aims to strengthen the rural economy and mitigate migration from rural to urban areas.


  • Graduates in agriculture and allied subjects from State Agricultural Universities (SAUs), Central Agricultural Universities, Universities recognized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and the University Grants Commission (UGC). Degree holders in Agriculture and allied subjects offered by other organizations are also eligible, subject to the approval of the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of India, upon the recommendation of the State Government.
  • Diploma (with at least 50% marks) / Post Graduate Diploma holders in Agriculture and allied subjects from State Agricultural Universities, State Agriculture and Allied Departments, and State Department of Technical Education. Diploma holders in Agriculture and allied subjects offered by other organizations are also eligible, subject to the approval of the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of India, upon the recommendation of the State Government.
  • Biological Science Graduates with Post Graduation in Agriculture & allied subjects.
  • Degree holders in courses recognized by the UGC having more than 60 percent of the course content in Agriculture and allied subjects.
  • Diploma/Post-graduate Diploma holders in courses with more than 60 percent of course content in Agriculture and allied subjects, after B.Sc. with Biological Sciences, from recognized colleges and universities.
  • Agriculture-related courses at intermediate (i.e. plus two) level, with at least 55% marks.

Additional Information:

Apart from financial assistance and training, the ACABC Scheme offers various other benefits to participants:

  • Technical Support: Participants receive technical guidance and support from experts in agriculture, agribusiness management, and related fields.
  • Market Linkages: The scheme facilitates market linkages for agribusiness products, helping participants access wider markets and fetch better prices for their produce.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants get opportunities to network with fellow entrepreneurs, agricultural experts, and potential investors, thus expanding their professional contacts and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Subsidies and Incentives: Depending on the nature of the project, participants may be eligible for subsidies, tax incentives, or other financial benefits offered by the government or implementing agencies.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: The progress of projects under the scheme is continuously monitored and evaluated to ensure effective implementation and address any challenges or bottlenecks.

What is the maximum loan in agri clinic?

Certainly, here's the information presented in a table format:

Parameter Details
Purpose Setting up Agri Clinic or Agri Business Centers
Eligibility Qualified/Trained Individuals and Group of Individuals
Nature of Facility Composite Loan (Term loan for fixed capital cost + CC for operating cycle)
Quantum of Loan Individual: Maximum of Rs 20.00 Lakhs
Group project: Maximum of Rs 100.00 lakhs
Margin 0-20% (depending upon quantum of loan)
Rate of Interest Up to Rs 3,00,000: MCLR + 1.50%
Above Rs 3.00 Lakh up to Rs 100 lacs: MCLR + 2.50%
Processing Charges Up to Rs 3 Lakh: Nil
Above Rs 3 Lakh: 0.30%
Upfront Fee Up to Rs 3 Lakh: Nil
Above Rs 3 Lakh: 50% of 1.25% (i.e., 0.625%)
Repayment 5 to 7 years
Security Primary Security: Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank Finance.
Collateral Security: Up to Rs 5.00 Lakh - NIL
Above Rs 5.00 Lakh - Creation of Mortgage or Charge on Agriculture Land


  • The AGRI CLINIC AND AGRIBUSINESS CENTRES SCHEME (ACABC Scheme) stands as a testament to the transformative power of agricultural entrepreneurship. By equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and financial support, the scheme not only fosters the growth of agribusiness enterprises but also contributes to the overall development of the agricultural sector. Through its emphasis on value addition, market linkages, and rural empowerment, the scheme holds the potential to usher in a new era of prosperity and sustainability in agriculture. As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving world, initiatives like the ACABC Scheme serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path towards a brighter future for farmers and entrepreneurs alike.


What is the Acabc scheme?

  • The scheme aims to promote improved farming techniques, support agricultural development and entrepreneurship, and utilize trained professionals to foster growth in the agriculture sector.

What is the role of agri clinics and agri business Centres in entrepreneurship?

  • Agri-Clinics offer expert advice and services to farmers, aiming to boost crop/animal productivity and increase farmers' incomes. They focus on areas like soil health and cropping practices.

Who is eligible for agri clinic?

  • Diploma holders in Agriculture and related fields from other organizations can apply, pending approval from the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of India, upon recommendation of the State Government. Additionally, Biological Science graduates with a Post Graduation in Agriculture & related subjects are eligible.

Who is eligible for NABARD loan?

  • The entities eligible for NABARD loans include State or Central Government Agricultural Marketing Federations and Corporations, as well as Dairy Federations and Cooperatives.

What is agri clinic and agri-business?

  • Agri-clinics and Agri-businesses are designed to offer specialized services and guidance to farmers. This includes advice on cropping practices, spreading technology, protecting crops from pests and diseases, sharing market trends and prices for different crops, as well as providing clinical services for animal health.

When was the agri clinic scheme launched?

  • A welfare scheme initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare was launched in 2002.

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