Chhath Puja 2024: A Celebration of Sun God

Date- 5 Nov, 2024

Embracing Tradition: Chhath Puja 2024 Celebrations in the Honor of Chhathi Maiya


  • Chhath Puja, a vibrant and deeply spiritual festival, holds a significant place in the hearts of millions of devotees, particularly in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and parts of Nepal. Celebrated with immense fervor and devotion, Chhath Puja is a tribute to the Sun God, Surya, and his consort, Chhathi Maiya. As we delve into the Chaiti Chhath Puja of 2024, let's explore the essence of this ancient festival, its rituals, and the spirit of reverence that permeates through every aspect of the celebration.

The Essence of Chhath Puja:

  • Chhath Puja is a four-day-long festival that typically falls in the months of October-November, just after Diwali. However, Chaiti Chhath Puja, observed in the month of Chaitra (March-April), carries its own unique charm and significance. It is celebrated amidst great enthusiasm, marking the arrival of spring and the harvesting season. The festival holds special importance for farmers and people residing in rural areas, as it is a way of expressing gratitude to the Sun God for a bountiful harvest and seeking blessings for the well-being of their families.

Chhathi Maiya: The Divine Consort

  • Chhathi Maiya, also known as Usha, is revered as the divine consort of the Sun God. She is worshipped for her nurturing qualities, symbolizing fertility, motherhood, and the life-giving force of nature. Devotees offer prayers to Chhathi Maiya, seeking her blessings for the prosperity and happiness of their loved ones. During Chhath Puja, her presence is felt profoundly as devotees gather by rivers, ponds, or any water body to perform rituals dedicated to her and Surya Dev.

Chaiti Chhath Puja 2024: A Time for Renewal

  • As Chaiti Chhath Puja 2024 unfolds, devotees immerse themselves in preparations, eager to partake in the age-old customs and rituals that define this auspicious occasion. The air resonates with the melodious tunes of Chhath songs, known as Chhath Geet, which add to the festive fervor. Homes are adorned with colorful rangolis, and markets bustle with activity as people shop for essential puja items and traditional attire.

Rituals and Traditions:

Chhath Puja is characterized by a series of rituals that are performed with utmost devotion and precision. The four main rituals observed during Chhath Puja are:

  • Nahay Khay: The first day of Chhath Puja begins with devotees taking a holy dip in rivers or water bodies before sunrise. This ritual, known as Nahay Khay, signifies purification of the body and soul. After the bath, devotees prepare traditional vegetarian meals, known as 'Kaddu-Bhat' or 'Rasiyaw' and offer it to the Sun God.
  • Kharna: On the second day, known as Kharna, devotees observe a day-long fast without consuming even water. The fast is broken in the evening after offering prayers to the setting sun. Devotees partake in the Prasad, which typically includes fruits, sweets, and thekua (a traditional wheat-based sweet).
  • Sandhya Arghya: The third day, also known as Sandhya Arghya, is the most significant day of Chhath Puja. Devotees gather on the banks of rivers or other water bodies during sunset to offer prayers to the setting sun. They perform rituals involving the offering of milk, sugarcane, fruits, and homemade sweets to Surya Dev.
  • Usha Arghya: The final day of Chhath Puja, known as Usha Arghya, is observed at sunrise. Devotees gather once again to offer prayers to the rising sun, seeking blessings for the well-being and prosperity of their families. The puja concludes with the breaking of the fast and sharing of Prasad with family and friends.

Community Spirit and Togetherness:

  • Chhath Puja transcends religious boundaries and fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among people. Regardless of caste, creed, or social status, devotees come together to celebrate this festival with unwavering devotion and communal harmony. The spirit of sharing and caring is evident as families extend hospitality to neighbors and strangers alike, ensuring that everyone partakes in the festivities with joy and reverence.

Challenges and Adaptations:

  • In recent years, Chhath Puja celebrations have witnessed adaptations and innovations to address modern-day challenges and environmental concerns. Efforts are made to minimize pollution of water bodies by using eco-friendly materials for rituals and decorations. Additionally, technology plays a vital role in connecting devotees who are unable to visit their hometowns, allowing them to participate in the puja virtually through live streaming and video calls.


  • Chaiti Chhath Puja 2024 exemplifies the timeless traditions and spiritual fervor that define this auspicious festival. As devotees across the region come together to pay homage to Chhathi Maiya and seek blessings from the Sun God, the essence of unity, devotion, and gratitude permeates through every aspect of the celebration. Chhath Puja serves not only as a religious observance but also as a reminder of the enduring bond between humanity and nature, emphasizing the importance of harmony and reverence for the elements that sustain life.


What is Chaiti Chhath Puja?

  • Chaiti Chhath Puja is a Hindu festival celebrated in the month of Chaitra (March-April) to worship the Sun God, Surya, and his consort, Chhathi Maiya. It is an ancient festival observed mainly in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and parts of Nepal.

What is the significance of Chhath Puja?

  • Chhath Puja is celebrated to express gratitude to the Sun God for sustaining life on Earth and seeking blessings for the well-being and prosperity of family members. It is also a way of paying homage to Chhathi Maiya, who is considered the epitome of maternal affection and fertility.

How is Chaiti Chhath Puja different from other Chhath Puja celebrations?

  • Chaiti Chhath Puja is observed in the month of Chaitra, while the main Chhath Puja usually takes place in the months of October-November. Chaiti Chhath Puja marks the beginning of spring and the harvesting season, whereas the main Chhath Puja is celebrated after the monsoon season to thank the Sun God for a successful harvest.

What are the main rituals of Chaiti Chhath Puja?

  • The main rituals of Chaiti Chhath Puja include Nahay Khay (taking a holy dip and offering prayers), Kharna (observing a day-long fast and breaking it in the evening), Sandhya Arghya (offering prayers to the setting sun), and Usha Arghya (offering prayers to the rising sun). These rituals are performed with utmost devotion and adherence to tradition.

How do devotees prepare for Chaiti Chhath Puja?

  • Devotees start preparing for Chaiti Chhath Puja days in advance by cleaning their homes, purchasing puja essentials, and making arrangements for the rituals. Special attention is given to the preparation of Prasad, which includes traditional sweets and fruits. Devotees also decorate their homes with rangolis and flowers to welcome the divine presence.

What is the significance of fasting during Chaiti Chhath Puja?

  • Fasting during Chaiti Chhath Puja is considered a way of purifying the body and soul. Devotees observe strict fasts, abstaining from food and water for extended periods, to demonstrate their devotion and seek blessings from the Sun God and Chhathi Maiya.

How do modern advancements impact Chaiti Chhath Puja celebrations?

  • Modern advancements, such as technology and eco-friendly initiatives, have influenced Chaiti Chhath Puja celebrations in various ways. Live streaming and video calls enable devotees to participate in the puja remotely, especially those who are unable to visit their hometowns. Eco-friendly materials are increasingly used for rituals and decorations to minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability.

Is Chaiti Chhath Puja celebrated only in India?

  • Chaiti Chhath Puja is primarily celebrated in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and parts of Nepal, where it holds great cultural and religious significance. However, with the diaspora of Indian communities around the world, Chhath Puja is also observed in other countries where these communities reside, albeit on a smaller scale.

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