In this section we bring you walkthroughs and tutorials around using various features of Bahi Khata app. We shall also answer your any queries you might have around using our app.
Double entry accounting is a system where every financial transaction affects at least two accounts, with equal debits and credits. It ensures the accounting equation stays balanced, providing accurate and transparent financial records.
Bahi Khata, a traditional ledger in India, is more than a financial record. In this simple guide, discover its unique features, including handwritten entries, simplicity, and personalized tracking.
बही खाता एक मैनुअल बही-आधारित लेखांकन पद्धति है जिसका अभ्यास सदियों से किया जाता रहा है, खासकर छोटे व्यवसायों, दुकानदारों और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में व्यक्तियों द्वारा। बही खाता प्रणाली में, लेनदेन को "बही" नामक एक भौतिक बहीखाता में दर्ज किया जाता है।
Here is the list of features on Bahi Khata App - both web & mobile version.
We keep on updating this list as we keep on improving the product.
# Feature 1 - Web
The BahiKhata app is a new app that is used to manage the finances of the business. The app is designed to be used by business owner and their employees. The app has